Hello everyone, my name is Aouki Padox I am the Founder of Seed Foundation. On behalf of our staff, I would like to thank you for your concern towards our organization. 

Our school offers basic and high-quality education to the very less and underprivileged Kibera slum children who would otherwise not be in any position to access this most valuable resource in one’s life. Many of these less fortunate children lack formal schooling and become misfits and unemployables.  Some inevitably drift into delinquency.  With the ambition to change that, the Seed Foundation was founded in 2007.

Currently about 50 percent of our students continue their education after attending Seed School but for others it is not possible as their parents and guardians do not have the resources to support their children for other institutions after their graduation from Seed School. 

We have always tried our best to provide our children with a fulfilling school life. We even offer extracurricular activities after school like making handicrafts in order to broaden their horizons.  We encourage them to participate in other productive community events as a means of ensuring that their free time is well spent away from some of the common vices in our community. 

Currently although we are doing our very best, we are experiencing difficulties such as poor equipment and infrastructure, a deficient working capital and staff shortage.  In order to face these challenges, we have been assembling beads and recycled bone carvings to produce necklaces, earrings and bracelets as a means of supporting school activities.  We have also been providing tours of Kibera on Airbnb as a means of fundraising.  We are grateful for all of the opportunities we have to provide better services and better futures for our children.  

I am truly grateful for this great responsibility we have undertaken because it is a very important one.  I humbly ask that you help us to meet these challenges.  What we do today will affect the lives of many people in the future.  



Aouki Padox