Empowering Kenya’s Most Vulnerable Children Since 2007

Seed Foundation is a grassroots organization founded in the Kibera settlement of Nairobi. Our objective is to provide Kenya’s most at-risk youth with the education and tools they need
not only to survive, but to grow into healthy, empowered, and contributing members of their communities and beyond.

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Led by Founder, Aouki “Patrick” Padox, the Seed Foundation was created by a group of likeminded individuals from unlikely backgrounds. We are from Kenya, Canada, Colombia, the United States, and more.

Upon witnessing the extraordinary challenges these children face, we had two choices – look away, or lend a hand. We have come together with a common mission, work ethic, empathy, and resolve, and we remain steadfastly committed to making a positive difference in the lives of the youth of Kibera, Ligala, and all of Kenya.

We welcome you to join us.

Meet Our Leadership Team*


Seed School Project

As recently as 2019, the Seed School was a single-story building lost in a sea of corrugated steel rooftops in Nairobi’s Kibera settlement. Today, it rises three stories, a beacon of hope in one of Kenya’s most unforgiving urban environments.

The Kibera settlement is the largest urban slum in Kenya, housing more than 250,000 people on an ever-shrinking 2.7 square kilometer parcel. The average life expectancy here is just 30 years of age, with 19% of our children dying before their 5th birthday. 40% of those deaths are due to avoidable diarrheal diseases. Clean water is difficult to come by, and open sewers are common. HIV rates are high, resulting in a large number of orphaned children. Electricity is scarce. Unemployment hovers around 50%, and only 40% of Kibera’s children attend school each day. Read More



Take Action To Protect Kids


Seed School Kibera

This program is meant to offer basic and high quality education to the very less and underprivileged Kibera slum children who would otherwise not be in any position to access this most valuable resource in one’s life.


Seed school.

Larger community to get involved and benefit from the work we are doing.

Participated in know the signs programs

confirmed lives saved

Anonymous Tips Received

Lack of learning materials is prevalent at schools in Kibera slums, Nairobi, where most schools are privately run due to lack of government funding for public schools